All-Star Student Academic Achievement Camp

Every Student Can Succeed At High Levels

Our staff are all New Jersey certified high school teachers, all of whom are content specialists and many are teachers of the year. They are passionate about helping all young people develop the skills, strategies, and mindset needed to be successful at school and in life. Students will leave our program with the tools needed to be All-Star Students. There are no secrets to success! Your child just may not have learned the strategies yet. It is never too late to help your child develop into the person we know they can be.

Many times students (and/or their parents/guardians) think they are struggling with academic content, when in reality they lack the general tools that it takes to be successful in high school. Hundreds if not thousands of dollars are spent on subject area tutors to help students better understand academic content. This does very little to help students who don’t have the “student” skills that we think they have. Does your child really know how to take notes, manage their time, study for tests, reduce test anxiety, read for comprehension, avoid distractions? Do they have an academic identity? Can they see themselves as a successful student? If you said no to any of these, then our program is perfect for them!

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Founder: Mr. Tom Tamburello

B.a. Mathematics, M.S. in EduCation

I began teaching high school math in 2000. Over the years as a math teacher and tutor I realized that sometimes students did not only struggle with math (and other content) in high school, but they came to high school lacking the strategies that it took to be a successful student.  As teachers we often tell students to “study”, “take notes”, “read this” and often say things like “this is easy.” After a few years of teaching I realized that I was assuming that high-school students already knew how to do these things.

Before high school, learning and achieving came easy to me. Sadly that early, “easy” success caused me to lack the persistence and other habits of mind that all successful people utilize. I entered school not realizing what it took to be a successful student. As an educator I want all students to achieve at high levels, and I know that they can!  Not only do I love teaching math, but I get excited about empowering students, teaching them how to get “smarter”, and watching them earn the high grades that they are capable of. 

Tom currently teaches Geometry and AP Statistics at Lenape High School, is the coordinator of the math department, and leads professional development programs for teachers.


“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”-Henry Ford